Monday, September 5, 2011


If this peach that I cut
Had a voice,
Would it scream?

Would the scream sound like a cry,
Or more like a woman screaming
That I just heard?

…Or maybe that was nothing more than a passing car beeping.

What would it say, this peach,
I wonder,
This peach that I so carefully cut?

“Why do people hurt whom they love?”
- It would ask.

I would say that people are cars,
Machines that don’t ever get hurt,
Machines that don’t cry,
They just crush
And beep in despair..

What if this peach could move,
Would it run?

Or would it turn towards me
And punch?
Or would it plunge this knife
Deep into my heart?

Indeed, it would be curious to see
A human machine getting hurt.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Some of you know me
Or have known me
Or seen me somewhere..

I live nearby.
In the field of sunflowers I bloom
And I'm my own private sunshine.

I shine.

Indulged in self-love
I aim at happiness.
For me I am the center of my universe
And trust me,
In my sweet little selfishness
I'm more generous than any altruist.

I shine for me.
And maybe even for you,
Who knows..
If shining should ever matter
I should be your guide too.

In my life,
Which is the biggest and the only gift bestowed,
I know:
I have (been) inspired.